One-on-One Financial Coaching
Saving for a home?
Trying to tackle your student loans?
Interested in getting ahead of your monthly bills?
We can help!
What is Financial Coaching?
Financial coaching takes a holistic and individualized perspective of each client. The ultimate goal of coaching is that clients become more capable of managing their finances in the marketplace. Coaching helps clients to realize what they do well, and how to improve what they want to do better.
Cost of $25.00 per session plus cost of credit report. If you feel you cannot afford this fee, please contact us to see if you qualify for a waiver.
Our Financial Coach will help you:
• Review your credit report
• Set SMART goals
• Create an Action Plan to achieve your goals
• Create a budget
• Determine a Road Map to Success
• Update your Action Plan

Our Financial Coach
Nancy Gilman is certified in credit counseling, financial health counseling, and pre- and post-purchase counseling so that she can help people look at the big picture and make informed decisions based on their individual or family needs. Her goal is to make sure that Vermonters have the knowledge, education, and tools to meet whatever financial goals they may have, even if it is not homeownership.
How do I sign up
for Financial Coaching?
Call today to schedule your one-on-one coaching session 802-438-2303.
Find more resources and tips on our blog:
Contact NeighborWorks
Are you interested in talking with a NeighborWorks of Western Vermont representative about our classes? Contact us to find out which class is appropriate for you.